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Jungian Archetypes Tarot Spread

Tarot is commonly thought of as a tool for the practice of divination, similar to reading tea leaves or scrying. I have found value in reading tarot cards as a form of self-reflection in order to think about myself or something I’m experiencing from a different perspective. This spread is intended to help the viewer think about themselves in the context of Carl Jung’s notion of the archetype. According to Jung, every individual is comprised of five central archetypes: the persona— the personality one presents to others; the shadow— the deeply personal slivers of the mind we tend to hide or be ashamed of; the anima— the compassionate and intuitive side; the animus— the drive and rational side; and the self— the ultimate, truest version of oneself.
9 of Wands (Reversed): afraid of taking risks, unsure, mistrustful

9 of Cups: satisfaction, emotional stability, luxury

Page of Cups: open to new ideas, intuitive inspiration, following calling

8 of Wands: rapid action, strong level of energy, quick decisions

6 of Pentacles: fortunate enough not to stress, generous, sharing
Jungian Archetypes Tarot Spread

Jungian Archetypes Tarot Spread

Carl Jung's Archetypes explained via Tarot Cards ft. my real life
